The geological container includes samples representing crucial stages of the Earth evolution: primary matter of the Pułtusk chondrite, zircon grains of the Napier Complex (Antarctica), the Jack Hills (Western Australia) and the Nain Complex (Labrador), witnessing origin of the primary crust at the early stage of the Earth formation (a reference material from the Lachlan Orogen is also added). The zircons are carrying traces after ion bean, testifying our ability to analyze them for geochemical determination of their age. Samples from the Banded Iron Formation (which was formed when the oxygen appeared on the Earth), the trilobite (skeleton animals explosion at the beginning of Phanerozoic), the Permian redbeds (biological mass extinction), the ammonite (the Mesozoic life revival), diamond bearing sand and a piece of kimberlite of the abandoned diamond quarry from South Africa, to prove that we were able to recognize a message from the mantle. All samples were arranged in a stratigraphic sequence and placed in a block of present-day lava from the Holuhraun eruption (2014). This block contains an isotopic clock, for dating the time the Capsule was sent to the future…